nov 2008 - A six-year-old
Palestinian boy living in the
West Bank town of Hebron has
become one of the latest victims
of attacks by Israeli settlers.
His family say he was attacked
for no apparent reason.
Loss of Innocence - Exhibition
of Gaza Children's Art
- Robert
Stewart - "Rod Cox gives
a tour of his exhibition
of Gazan children’s art,
Loss of Innocence, which
is sponsored by UNESCO.
I recorded this video when
the exhibition visited Dundee
on 16 August 2010. The exhibition
comprises about 50 pictures,
drawn, painted or crayoned
by children in Gaza, some
immediately after, or even
during the Assault by Israel
on Gaza over the New Year
2008/9, and some drawn a
little later. The later
pictures were either drawn
as part of a programme of
Psycho-Social Help for the
Traumatised Children, or
by children who were specifically
asked by Rod to set out
their feelings for the benefit
of Westerners understanding.